- River:
- Pigeon River
- Class:
- Lower - Class I to II, Upper - Class III to IV
- River Length
- Lower - 5 miles, Upper - 5 miles
- Time:
- 1/2 day
- Season:
- Memorial Day to Labor Day
The Pigeon River in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park is home to several hundred species of birds and some awesome whitewater rafting! Just thirty miles east from Gatlinburg, this versatile river offers great rapids and great fun for the adventurous traveler.
There are two segments, the Lower and the Upper. The Lower is the one to choose if you are looking for a relaxing ride for the whole family. The rapids range from class I to II and are great for a sunny day of laughter and light rapids. The Upper segment though is chalk full of excitement with a rollercoaster ride of class III and IV rapids. Some of the rapids are the Powerhouse, Big Rock, Roller Coaster, Lost Guide, and Chubbie Checker.
The Season for this river starts on Memorial Day and ends on Labor Day. The best times to go rafting would be Tuesday through Thursday and Saturdays which are the days the dam releases water into the river creating the awesome rapids. The Upper segment welcomes ages eight and up or at least seventy pounds. The Lower requires that everyone is at least four years old. This is a great half day trip is always adds a lot of fun and excitement to a weekend.
River Details
River Length
Guides Available?
Additional Details
Located near Great Smoky Mountains National Park and 30 miles East of Gatlinburg. Minimum age is 4 years (lower segment) & 8 years or 70lbs (upper segment).